Female-Focused Finances

If your goals include leaving a legacy, helping put your children through college or giving loving care to your elderly parents, we can help you with that. If your dreams are to travel more, buy your dream home or delve into a new hobby, we can help you with that, too.

It all starts with understanding your finances and building a financial strategy for success. Unfortunately, women don’t always know where their money is going or how to make it work for them to build retirement income. We want to change that.

The truth is, 90 percent of all women will eventually be solely in charge of household finances.1 That’s partially due to women having a much longer lifespan than men. And yet, just 20 percent of women feel very well prepared to make wise financial decisions.2

Wouldn’t you rather feel confident in your financial situation before you had to make a big decision?

With a plan in place, you gain the confidence to know you have the funds to live out your dreams and go on that cruise or donate more time and money to that local charity. Building that plan starts here at Chastain Financial.

As a female advisor, Carla Chastain has a knack for explaining complex situations in easy-to-understand language, without financial jargon. She is passionate about what she does and encourages all women to become financially independent and knowledgeable about their situation in order to make those important decisions with confidence.

Talk to a Female Financial Professional Today

Chastain Financial proudly specializes in retirement and income planning for women, including those who are married, single, widowed or divorced. If you or someone you know is in need of female-focused financial guidance, give us a call today at 479.845.1060 to set up an appointment.

This is your money and your future. You deserve to know how to make your money work for you in retirement. We’ll be glad to help answer your questions.

1 Financial Advisor. March 1, 2016. “Wanted: Women Financial Advisors.” https://www.fa-mag.com/news/wanted--women-financial-advisors-25321.html. Accessed June 22, 2018.

2 Prudential. “2014-2015 Research Study: Financial Experience & Behaviors Among Women.” P. 3. https://www.prudential.com/media/managed/wm/media/Pru_Women_Study_2014.pdf. Accessed June 22, 2018.

Ready to Take The Next Step?

Or give us a call at 479.845.1060